If you have any queries or would like additional information, please do not hesitate to contact the school administration office. Our office is open between 07:30 am and 04:00 pm each week day.
Nursery: (+234) 0816 381 2988, 09136583659
Primary: (+234) 0803 474 9519, 0806 541 2116
College: (+234) 0705 702 0137, 0803 689 6332
Nursery: 7 Crown Jewel Lane, off Taike street, off Love All Ikosi Ketu Lagos state, Nigeria.
Primary: 14 Taike street, off Love All Ikosi Ketu Lagos state, Nigeria
College: 9 Bakky Street, off Bello Folawiyo Crescent Ikosi Ketu Lagos state, Nigeria.
Emails: info@crownjewelschools.com, crownjewelschools@gmail.com